So all has been a bit quiet on the blogging front because last week I decided not to share any of my #AStoryAWeek bits and bobs. This was because I'd found a competition that it might be right for, so decided to keep it nice and quiet. It is called My New Mother Hood (a title I have since begun to loathe a bit) and is 2,502 words long. If it ends up in an anthology I will let you know!
Meanwhile this weeks deadline looms, and I am using a first line suggested by a friend as my jumping off point. I think I'll continue to post the first story of each month online, just to keep me going, so this one will be following just as soon as I've managed to get it out.
Meanwhile here's a little update on my #AStoryAWeek so far...
Week 1: One of Us (2,416 words)
Week 2: Awash (3,114 words)
Week 3: Elodie Pathfinder's Collected Tales of Reason and Ruin - Lady Jacqueline Rime (2,648 words)
Week 4: My New Mother Hood (2,502 words)
Meanwhile this weeks deadline looms, and I am using a first line suggested by a friend as my jumping off point. I think I'll continue to post the first story of each month online, just to keep me going, so this one will be following just as soon as I've managed to get it out.
Meanwhile here's a little update on my #AStoryAWeek so far...
Week 1: One of Us (2,416 words)
Week 2: Awash (3,114 words)
Week 3: Elodie Pathfinder's Collected Tales of Reason and Ruin - Lady Jacqueline Rime (2,648 words)
Week 4: My New Mother Hood (2,502 words)
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