
I have been quite busy lately on a secret writer's mission that - I'm sorry - I just can't tell you about.  I can only let this mysterious nugget dangle there, and you will just have to be patient.

If you want to be a writer then patience is an excellent skill to acquire, so this will be good practice.  If you don't want to be a writer then I can only apologise.  Perhaps I should never have put that first sentence out there - but there it is, it's done now, committed to the screen and everything.  I could get some tip-ex, but I think that will only cause problems later.

Meanwhile the lovely producer lady at BBC Radio 4 is still waiting to hear if our afternoon play idea has made it through to the next bit of the commissioning rounds. 

Yesterday I entered a competition to write a short story in 100 words - that was fun.  Apparently you can enter as many times as you like, so if another neat little idea occurs to me then I might submit again.  You can too if you like - the site is here.  The competition closes on the 31st January.

For the most part I am still struggling to find the will to write.  I had a quirky idea yesterday that fired me up for all of five minutes, and then the rather more unimaginative and annoying side of my brain descended like a guillotine, shouting "That's no good", and slicing the quirky thoughts away.  I can still see them, rolling in bloody tatters in a straw basket, alongside lots of other not-quite-thought-through bits and pieces that didn't make the grade.
Let's see if my shouty executioner of ideas was right - would you like to watch a sitcom called "World of Pockets"?  I leave this in your capable hands.
